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For Sale
Custom Upholstery
Remnant is a husband and wife team that has been sourcing and restoring mid century modern furniture in Portland since 2012. Our offerings ...
Projects Completed
We have finally back in full swing with our upholstery service. Since our last post we have completed several projects and several of them...
Project Time!
Lately we have been finding some great project pieces! It has been a few months since we have been able to do much upholstery. We are fin...
Sweet Summer
Summer is always the most exciting time of the year to go hunting for furniture. The weather is nice and there are more estate sales and g...
Lesson Learned
Over the past 7 years we have upholstered and refinished hundreds of pieces of furniture but we had never attempted to replace a Danish pap...
Spring Time Finds
The two weeks since our last post have been a whirlwind of activity. In addition to caring for our new baby daughter, Lucy Rose, we found ...
A New Addition
Hello, this is our first post since February. We have been distracted from our usual routine due to the birth of our second daughter, Lucy...
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